it's been awhile since my last blog.. so glad to get back to my 'blogging activity'!!
so many has happened in this year.. hmm.. it's almost like a combination of all kind of flavour of ice-cream.. chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, blueberry, oreo, peanut butter, salt, ajinomoto, black pepper, chilli, rotten meat, rotten vege.. any flavour that u can think of... muahaha... that basically sum up how i feel right now and what i have been go through so far...
that's all about myself.. hehe.. i m back to blog... active blog for sure.. *if my schedule isnt too pack of coz...* been very busy with so many useless thingy..
gonna renovate my blog... reconstruct everything... isnt that cool??!! haha.. wanna join the construction crews??!! there's vacancy available at the moment.. of coz, u will b paid greatly... interested? RM1 per newton of work!! anyone??!!
actually i plan to have a new url, but this blog have so much memories with it.. too sad to delete it.. so it's RECONSTRUCTION TIME!!!!
so excited now.. muahaha.. wanna change the theme of my blog.. any idea guys?? i dont wanna the black black dark dark theme... sharon chong told me to surround myself with the positive aura.. wow... sounds cool right? tell u if that's working k..
any idea of what theme i should use, plz put leave a comment for me.. thanks for ur idea.. gonna get back to my maths thingy.. sucks and sickening man.. MATHS IS FUN!!! (positive aura).... i try to rebuild a better blog asap...
HolyBoyFromHell Mega Project
reconstruction of this blog...
due date : dec 2008
cost : US$ 0.00
wish me luck...